There are two schools of thought as to what this current economic crisis means, and what's likely to come next.
One group, dominated by our political leaders and central bankers, says comforting words about how the old system will be repaired and restored. Once all of the stimulus packages kick in, the good ol' days of easy-flowing credit will return. Don't worry, they say, things will be back to normal in no time. (If "back to normal" means the greed-driven Wall Street model of capitalism circa 2005, it's doubtful anyone would want it.)
Others see this crisis as the death of capitalism. Greed got us into this mess. Like it or not, we're headed back to the days of socialism and state-controlled economies.
Well, they've both got it wrong. Far from being wiped out, capitalism will thrive in ways we cannot yet imagine. Just as artists in the early 1900s were set free to explore painting in a whole new way, capitalism - with luck - will be liberated by the demise of global finance as we knew itread the rest of the story