The Conference Board of Canada creates a great many reports regarding economic projections. Unfortuately they tend to reinforce the old line that economics is the "dismal science". Four years ago in the middle of our boom they forecast that Greater Victoria's economy would be 'zero'. It ended up the year at an impressive 2.8%. The board has now made their predictions for major Canadian cities and decreed that Victoria would suffer a downturn of 0.3% in 2009 It needs to be noted that most statisticians consider any variation below 1% to be essentially insignificant since it could reflect the process of data collection.
For our part if for once the board is right we would welcome the 0.3% as a relatively soft local impact of a global economic downturn.
Metropolitan Outlook 1: Economic Insights into 27 Canadian Metropolitan Economies: Spring 2009
Report by Alan Arcand , Maxim Armstrong , Mario Lefebvre , Jane McIntyre , Greg Sutherland , Robin Weibe
March 2009, Source: The Conference Board of Canada, 79 pages