We will however tell you about the sudden jump in Victoria Real Estate Sales and with some media identifying this as the new Great Depression, this blog will illustrate the enormous differences between today and the dirty 30's. Check out the Harris/Decima poll on rising consumer confidence and learn how the world's freight forwarders are having trouble finding enough ships as key commodities are starting to flow again across the Pacific. in the 'keeping them honest' department we will show how one reporter's opinion can sometimes 'colour' a story - giving an unintended perspective.
So we hope you'll read and enjoy the Blog and circulate it freely to your friends, colleagues and clients. Oh and don't worry about missing out on the bad news, it'll still be there for you 24/7 anytime you want to know about it.
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
Winston Churchill